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I live in a beautiful garden. It entertains, nourishes and sustains me. When I'm not gardening I'm writing, building on my career as a journalist at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, where I produced stories from around North America and the world. One of my documentaries led me to write a book, Citizens of Nowhere, about the difficult adjustments young refugees in Canada had to make in their first year. Anxiety over a partner with cancer and grief led me to write about a garden - a Victory Garden. That memoir, A Victory Garden For Trying Times describes a year of a garden during a time of love, hope and despair. My latest book, a novel, called Rains, At Times Heavy  was published in October by Caitlin Press and became an audio book produced by Tantor Media. I travel, write travel articles and garden when I can.


My Books and audiobooks
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Citizens of Nowhere

A Victory Garden For Trying Times


Rains, At Times Heavy

Tantor Media

Caitlin Press

My Books

Public events for rains,
      at times, heavy


Launched at Flying Books in Toronto, Oct. 5/23

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Launched in Toronto and St.Catharines, Sept 12/23

Public Events for a victory gardens

Grimsby Public Library  October 2/19

A talk in my hometown

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Wine and Words, Author Series

Oct. 9/19

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

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Launches in Toronto and St. Catharines
Sept, 2019

Rotary Club, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Noon, Oct.22/19. Guest speaker, World Polio Day

Work Your Grief into Art

6 p.m.Hospice Niagara

January 22, 2020


A talk on Victory Gardens

The Royal Botanical Gardens 680 Plains Road,

Burlington, Ontario

7 p.m. March 12/20

(About forty people showed up just as everything was being shut down. Great crowd for the last scheduled talk for a while. Spring and fall events cancelled due to COVID-19)


May 25, 2021. A Victory Garden for Trying Times and Beyond. Zoom talk for Niagara-on-the Lake Horticultural Society. 

April 16, 2023. First live talk after Covid. No more Zoom. Ancaster Horticultural Society.


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